Sundown Syndrome

How to Cope with the Sudden Onset of Disturbing Behaviors in a Person with Dementia

Sundown Syndrome

What happens when a person with dementia suddenly becomes angry and aggressive? What’s going on, what’s causing it? And most importantly, how can you provide care for someone that is out of control?

Sudden behavior changes in a person with dementia are confusing. But they can also be dangerous. Sundown Syndrome. How to Cope with the Sudden Onset of Disturbing Behaviors in a Person with Dementia. gives in depth information about this challenging change in condition often associated with persons suffering with dementia. This book will help you to:

  • Learn what to watch for and how to track incidents
  • Determine possible causes of behavior changes
  • Choose best practices to manage the behaviors
  • Know when to seek help in order to keep everyone safe

Sundown Syndrome is Book 4 in the Dementia Care Made Easier series written by a registered nurse with over 20 years of hands-on experience working with dementia patients. She is passing on her professional and personal knowledge through detailed how-to guides written especially for people caring for someone with dementia.

Editorial review:  I finished reading and honestly, I think it’s great! I like the case studies that you have as caregivers can relate to all of them in one way or many ways. Very clear and easy to understand with great ideas to help both patients and caregivers/family members. Tracy T. RN