How to Choose the Next Level of Care for Your Loved One With Dementia
There are over 11 million Americans currently providing unpaid care for persons with dementia. Are you one of them?
Being a caregiver is about providing for the care and safety of a person while keeping stress and anxiety to a minimum. Over time your ability to do this may diminish. What do you do then? Do you admit the person to a care facility, or do you pay for someone to come into your home?
Making this decision can be very difficult.
Memory Care is the caregiver guide that will help you make the right decision about the next level of care for your person with dementia. Find the answers to these questions and more inside this invaluable resource.
- What types of care facilities are available?
- Which one is the best option for me?
- How does a person qualify for admission?
- How can I pay for it?
- How do I know if it’s the right time?
Don’t wait until your strength has been exhausted. You don’t want to make fast, ill informed decisions. Do the research up front so you can make the best choices for you and your person with dementia.
Be sure to sign up for access to the Free Workbook with detailed checklists and questions to get you started.
Buy the book Memory Care today and get prepared for the future now.