Free Stuff

One of the scariest and possibly dangerous behaviors when caring for a person with dementia is wandering. This booklet  About Me, documents specific information about the person with dementia including a photo, physical description, habits, problem behaviors, contact names and numbers, and more. Give copies of this booklet to the local police department and any close neighbors that would be willing to help when needed. Go here to get your copy…


The Disaster Planning Toolkit was created by the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center. It’s a comprehensive workbook for planning and implementing safety protocols for a person with dementia before, during, and after a disaster. There are checklists, reference pages, and detailed instructions for the caregiver to follow. Disasters can be man-made or delivered by nature, and they happen every day around the world. Be prepared. Get this FREE resource now…. 


My Thoughts About Today is all about you. This journal is part of the Self Care Blueprint package coming in 2022. It contains 30 days of inspirational quotes, beautiful full color photos, and journaling prompts asking you to express your feelings on paper, in real time. Being a caregiver is a lonely and emotionally exhausting journey. Use this Free Journal to help you on the way.  Go here for free access…

 Top 20 Dementia Care Apps is a FREE eBook containing reviews of the most popular dementia caregiver apps available today. There are apps for day to day organization, tips on caregiving, links to informative articles, and lists of resources. Discussion includes color screenshots, pros and cons of each app, and where to obtain them. Each app has a free and a paid version for you to choose. Go here to get your copy today…